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Coffee of the Month July 2023 - The Dark Italian Blend

Coffee of the Month July 2023 - The Dark Italian Blend

Petra Jones |

We're excited to introduce our Coffee of the Month for July - The Dark Italian Blend! It's a rich coffee and sweet with nutty and chocolatey notes.

The Dark Italian coffee blend is perfect for all brewing methods, from filter brews and cold brews to Chemex and espresso. Enjoy this full-bodied, specialty blend made of coffee beans that is sure to remind you of a delightful holiday in Italy.

Brewing Dark Italian coffee in Chemex pour over coffee maker: 

  1. Begin by grinding your coffee beans to medium-coarse grind.

  2. Measure 3-4 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee into the filter paper.

  3. Wet the filter paper and warm the Chemex by pouring hot water over it.

  4. Empty out the pre-warming water and place the filter paper into the Chemex.

  5. Place the Chemex onto a digital scale and tare.

  6. Start the timer and slowly pour ¼ of the hot water in a circular motion to saturate all the grounds evenly.

  7. Let the grounds bloom for 45-60 seconds.

  8. Continue adding water until the scale reads 600 grams. Pour slowly and continuously in a spiral motion, making sure to evenly wet all of the grounds. Try to keep the water at the same level at all times.

  9. Once the desired amount of water has been added, remove the filter paper and discard.

  10. Enjoy!

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