Introducing El Salvador Diamante, our featured coffee of the month for August.
El Salvador Diamante has a rich body with notes of chocolate and orange. This coffee is perfect for those who enjoy a bold and flavourful cup of coffee. Enjoy it as an espresso or as a pour over.
The coffee is harvested during the January-March window, with harvesting done primarily by hand and depulped within 24 hours of harvest. After the depulping process the coffee is washed and dried. This processing results in a crisp, sweet yet complex cup, with notes of orange and dark chocolate.
The beans are primarily from the Bourbon, Pacas and Catimor varietals. The Bourbon variety brings a refined sweetness and strong body to the cup, the Pacas variety adds subtle floral notes and citrus like acidity, while the Catimor produces a softer body and brighter acidity.
The combination of El Salvador's climate, the varietals used, and the expert processing all contribute to a truly unique cup of coffee. Enjoy exploring this unique and sweet cup!
Brewing El Salvador Diamante coffee in Chemex pour over coffee maker:
Begin by grinding your coffee beans to medium-coarse grind.
Measure 3-4 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee into the filter paper.
Wet the filter paper and warm the Chemex by pouring hot water over it.
Empty out the pre-warming water and place the filter paper into the Chemex.
Place the Chemex onto a digital scale and tare.
Start the timer and slowly pour ¼ of the hot water in a circular motion to saturate all the grounds evenly.
Let the grounds bloom for 45-60 seconds.