At Redber, we are committed to making a difference for those in need. Recently, we had the opportunity to do just that. We donated some boxes of loaves to an organisation called Fetcham Freebay. We met with its founder Paul Barker who quickly put together a plan to distribute the loaves to those who need it in the local area around Fetcham.
Special thanks must be given to Paul and his colleagues Craig Taylor, Lisa Cullen and Gayle Scrivens. They put in a great effort to help those who are homeless, socially isolated and unemployed by delivering some of the loaves to The Meeting Room in Epsom, Ewell and Mole Valley. Jane Guillem at St Mary’s Church in Fetcham also received some of the loaves for the Community Fridge.

This inspiring story doesn’t end here, Paul also put a plan in motion to ensure nothing went to waste. The cardboard packing boxes were donated to members of the community. This simply reflects the effort put in by not only Paul and his colleagues but Redber too. We are proud to be part of an organisation that gives back to the community!
Paul is a real local hero, he founded Community Coronavirus Care during the epidemic to provide essential supplies to the elderly and vulnerable. You can read about his work on Fetcham Residents website.