Finca Teresa is owned and operated by Jorge Estevez. It is located in La Concordia, Chiapas, with 150ha of the farm belonging to the biosphere reserve 'El Triunfo'. The farm is CAFE Practices certified, and production is undertaken with environmental and social sustainability in the forefront. In 2019 the owner of the farm, Jorge Esteve, started to sell his coffee as specialty for the first time thanks to Condesa Co-Lab and Cari Coffee. For that, he carefully processed a small batch of his coffee by controlling the fermentation time and temperature, removing the defects before storing the parchment and securing the attributes of the coffee by packing it in grain pro bags before sending it to milling. The farm will continue to produce specialty coffees, not only washed but also honey and natural, as it is able to create single-variety microlots. In 2022 the objective will be to increase the production of specialty micro lots to expand Jorge's market both in Australia and elsewhere. This well-balanced Teresa coffee has a round body, a citric acidity, flavours of mild caramel, maple and apricot as well as a sweet tobacco aftertaste.
What you need to know about Mexican Teresa Coffee
Flavours - mild caramel, apricot
Aroma - sweet tobacco, dark chocolate
Body - medium
Acidity - lemon grass
Perfect for...
Cafetiere, filter, drip
The finer details...
Origin: Mexico
Region: Villacorso, Chiapas region Fraylesca
Farm: Finca Teresa
Altitude: 1100 - 1500 mals
Variety: Sarchimore, Mondo novo
Process: washed Try our coffee of the month HERE!
Coffee of the Month February 2022 - Mexico Finca Teresa

Kiara Maher |
1 comment
Absolutely loved this coffee. Unfortunately not been able to purchase from you for a long time now as you don’t seem to stock it anymore (or only in huge quantities when you do?) Will it be available again?